OTG Technologies Enterprise is a duly registered company in the Philippines and in India. Focused in providing Climate Solutions in real time and in real world.

Be part of the solution in climate rescue. Make saving the planet as your main business.

Invest with us for a greener planet tomorrow.

Global Carbon Counter

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Can we save the planet?

OTGTE believes we can...

But we can't do it alone.

We believe that a collective effort composed of interdependent enterprising individuals working independently towards a common goal can make this happen.

These people we refer to are those who have the time, capacity and drive to do this effort alongside many with the same attributes.

If you feel you possess these traits... welcome to the club!

You can join our Small Business Partner Program, designed exactly for the small to medium size enterprise.

An average car emits about 5 tons of CO2 yearly;

A fully matured tree can only absorb a maximum of 78 lbs. of CO2 yearly;

Therefore: You need at least 3 to 5 Forest to absorb the CO2 emissions of only 1 car.

There are two clear ways to save this planet; Plant 64 trees and wait 10 years before we can cut the CO2 emissions of only a single automobile yearly ... or Save a forest or two or more yearly instantly.

With our Emissions Reduction Technology yes we can!

Be part of the solution today.